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Thursday, 11 October 2012

Ahmed Adel Singer

.Ahmed Adel singer and student at the Faculty of Music Education (Helwan University
Began his interest in music from a young age and participated in numerous bands, and this period affected significantly in the formation of his musical and humanitarian

_ In 2006 acquired the status of first Republic in the competition of the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and traveled to the Arab Maghreb countries with the Egyptian delegation to represent the Arab Republic of Egypt .

_ In the year 2009-2010 participated in the competition of universities in Egypt and the star got the third place at the level of Egyptian universities

_ Participated in many concerts within the Faculty of Music Education and outside

_ Participated in several bands such as band musician Mohamed Abdel Wahab generations of Arab Music

_2011 Participated in the Arab Idol talent begins with the Arab, who will be exposed in the channel mbc1 .


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